My short story, “Tourist Trap” will appear in Visions this summer! This anthology is published by WordCrafter Press, and the expected release date is August 2022. Be sure to check here and on my social media for details!
I’m really proud of this story. It was written for Kevin J. Anderson’s recent Mirror, Mirror anthology, and while I made it through several rounds of cuts, ultimately it was declined. But shortly after, Kaye Lynne Booth reached out to me. She is one of Mr. Anderson’s 2022 grad students in the MFA program at Western Colorado University, and the founder of WordCrafter. She invited me to include my story in her collection, and of course I said yes. Yesterday I signed the contract, so it’s officially official. I’m thrilled to be included, and so thankful.
Watch for more details as the release date approaches, and as always, thanks for reading!