I found an open submissions call for an anthology and it sounded like a good time, so I decided to write a story for it. It’s a western horror featuring a badass lady, a no-nonsense Sheriff, and a bunch of creepy-crawlies. SNAFU is a well-known military action anthology from Cohesion Press that features a lot of big name authors, and they have several collections to boast about. Once again, I’m aiming high with this one. But this story was a heapin’ helpin’ of fun to write and edits are going well, so let’s see what happens.
Speaking of fun, Superstars was a smashing success. I’m still processing everything, to be quite honest. It’s advertised as drinking from the firehose, and they aren’t kidding. I’m already registered to go back next year, and I intend to have some noteworthy writing credits under my belt by then. Which reminds me, I also wrote a banger of a story to submit to WordFire Press’s Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation anthology. The theme is a tribute to Superstars co-founder Dave Wolverton, who passed shortly before this year’s conference.
There’s a third story in the works, also a western horror. And as always, shiny new ideas all over the place. Oh, and two more anthologies I’m thinking of writing a story for, as well. It feels good to be busy.